Habibie Razak is Professional Engineer working as Regional Director – Energy with 20+year of experiences stationed at Surbana Jurong Group Jakarta Office. He worked at McConnell Dowell as GM Operations and worked for Tractebel as LNG & Gas Product Director, Senior Project Manager & Business Developer based in Jakarta. He got involved in project management as well as proposal and business development activities for renewable energy, power, oil & gas and infrastructure projects for Indonesia and South-East Asia operation.
Habibie Razak also worked for Black & Veatch Office in Jakarta. He was responsible for managing oil & gas projects from sales and marketing phase, proposal, project engineering and project management for some various projects in Indonesia consist of LNG, LPG and various gas processing projects. Razak was working on couple LNG projects in East Java and Coal Gasification to Ammonia and Urea in South Sumatera that includes a feasibility study and Preliminary Front End Engineering Design (Pre-FEED).
Habibie Razak has been working as project manager in various industries from nickel and coal mining, power station and LNG development. He is a civil engineer and licensed as professional engineer of Indonesia licensed by the Institution of Engineers, Indonesia since 2010 and is licensed as ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineer (ACPE) as the result of ASEAN Economic Community agreement on Engineering Services. Complementing his credentials, he has been a registered ASEAN Engineer as well as registered as APEC Engineer.
He is a fellow of The Engineers Australia (FIEAust) and was also given Engineering Executive (EngExec) Credential by Engineers Australia in July 2023. The Engineering Executive, or EngExec is a credential that recognises pre-eminent individuals in executive positions who have shown exceptional leadership and talent. He also received Honorary Member Award in 2023 and subsequently AFEO Honorary Fellow Award from AFEO Governing Board in October 2024.
His first company was International Nickel Indonesia (INCO) and he started his career as assistant civil engineer in 2003 and becoming a project manager starting 2006. Most of his projects when he was with Vale dealing with mining infrastructures such as flyover bridge, warehouse, industrial office, processing plant structural work, wet ore stockpiles, port development and so on. He was also involved in construction of the third hydroelectric power plant 2×60 MW belongs to PT INCO in 2009.
In March 2011 he decided to join PT Slipform Indonesia a group of Slipform Engineering (HK) Limited as Project Manager and then working as Engineering Manager afterwards. He built 3×60 MW Power Plant and was working on LNG Train 2x 1.2 MMTPA capacity in South Sulawesi Province Indonesia.
Habibie Razak is also the activist of the Institution of Engineers, Indonesia (PII) and now he’s in charge as Executive Director PII Governing Board. He’s actively providing inputs and recommendations of Indonesia energy policy strategy to the institution of Engineers, Indonesia (PII) for them to be followed-up to the national decision maker. Personally, he is empowering the study of energy resources such as LNG & gas, renewable energy, which are feasible to be developed in order to reduce the energy and electricity subsidy. He is campaigning energy and electricity solution by attending seminar, workshop, conference both nationally and internationally including to presenting technical papers and articles as part of his campaigns.
Experienced in delivering the projects from Pre-FEED, Front-End Engineering Design (FEED), Detailed Engineering Design (DED) up to Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC) stage for Gas Processing, LNG, LPG, coal gasification, power generation (hydro electric, gas turbine combined-cycle, Diesel to HSFO conversion), Nickel & Coal Mining & Nickel Smelter Processing.
Knowledgeable in delivering the projects from Pre-FEED, FEED, DED to EPC stage for Oil & Gas Subsea System, Sulfur Recovery Unit, Ammonia & Urea Plant, MSW to Jet Fuel/Diesel, all sets of Renewable Projects (Wind, Solar, Geothermal, Hydro and others).
Experienced in business development & strategy, sales, proposal (technical and commercial) and contract development.
Organizational History
- Executive Director Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia, Period of 2021 – 2024.
- Chairman Innovation and Technology Policy Committee, The Indonesian Association of Mining Professionals (PERHAPI), Period of 2021 – 2024.
- Media and Cooperation Committee, Indonesia Electrical Power Society – Masyarakat Ketenagalistrikan Indonesia (MKI), Period 2022 – 2025.
- Secretary Learning Centre Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia, Period of 2019 – 2021.
- APEC Engineer Register Indonesia Monitoring Committee (APEC ER IMC), 2021 – Now.
- Coordinating Committee for Engineering Profession Education and Training & Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Period of 2018 – 2021.
- Working Group Team to Expert Board of The Association of Indonesian Mining Professionals (PERHAPI) Period of 2019 – 2021.
- Drafting Team of The Government Regulation PP 25/2019 regarding Engineering Profession.
- Head of Engineer’s Professional Development, Hasanuddin University Engineering Alumni Association, Central Committee (DPP IKATEK UH) Period of 2016-2019, 2019 – 2023.
- Head of Department of Energy & Mineral Resources, Hasanuddin University Alumni Association, Chapter Jabodetabek, Period of 2015-2019.
- Vice Chairman Law and Advocacy, Civil Engineering Chapter, The Institution of Engineers, Indonesia Period of 2016-2019.
- Secretary Gas Distribution, the Institution of Engineers, Indonesia (PII) Period of 2015-2018
- Vice Chairman Energy and Electricity, the Institution of Engineers, Indonesia (PII), Period of 2012 – 2015.
- Secretary the Institution of Engineers, Indonesia (PII), Luwu Timur Branch 2006 – 2012 (2 Terms),
- Member of the Institution of Engineers, Indonesia (PII), Year Started: 2003.
- The First Chairman Civil Engineering Student Union Period of 2001/2002.
- Associate Member of Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE), International Activities Center, 2020 – Now.
Professional Certification & Awards
- Licensed as Executive Professional Engineer (Executive P. Eng) since 2020.
- Licensed as Professional Engineer (P. Eng) – Madya (IPM) No. 2-15-00-000238-00 – Institution of Engineers, Indonesia (IEI), 2010 – 2020.
- Registered as ASEAN Engineer Register (AER), No. 1551, since June 09, 2010.
- Registered as APEC Engineer under the framework agreements between IEA and PII.
- AFEO (ASEAN) Honorary Fellow, 2024
- AFEO (ASEAN) Honorary Member, 2023
- Registered as Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng) and International Professional Engineer (IntPE) from Engineers Australia, July 2023
- Fellow of Engineers Australia (FIEAust), ID 9668322 since June 2023
- Registered as Mining Middle Operational Management – Pengawas Operasional Madya (POM) General Director of Mineral, Coal and Geothermal, Indonesia, License No: 2591/37.04/DBT/2009.
- Licensed as ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineer (ACPE) No.01279/ID since September 2015.
- Regional Director, Energy, Indonesia & ASEAN (2024 – Now)
- Indonesia Country Director, Southeast Asia (SEA-1) Regional Manager (2021 – 2023)
- Head of Energy, Resources & Transport, Project Director(s) (2017 – 2021)
Employer: Group of SMEC International Pty Ltd/Surbana Jurong Corporation – Temasek Portfolio Company (Jakarta office) – Visit us at www.surbanajurong.com and www.smec.com
- General Manager, Operations (2023 – 2024)
Employer: McConnell Dowell Southeast Asia Pte Ltd (Jakarta Office)
- Director Energy & Infrastructure (2020)
Employer: PT blueVisions Management (Jakarta office)
- Business Development Specialist (2018 – 2019)
Employer: ALFANAR Co (Indonesia & South-East Asia Region)
- Senior Project Manager Power & Gas, LNG Product Director (2016 – 2017)
- Project Manager (2012 – 2016)
- Project Manager (2011 -2012)
- Project Manager (2010 – 2011)
Employer: PT STARGATE PASIFIC RESOURCES, Group of Glencore (Switzerland) and Risjadson (Indonesia)
- Civil Engineer, Project Engineer, Project Manager (2006 – 2010)
Employer: PT INTERNATIONAL NICKEL INDONESIA (Sorowako) – INCO LTD (Canadian based Corporation)
- Civil Engineer (2003 – 2006)
Employer: PT INTERNATIONAL NICKEL INDONESIA (Sorowako) – INCO LTD (Canadian based Corporation)
- Undergraduate Civil Engineer (2002 – 2003)
Employer: VARIOUS PROJECTS – Mostly working for Public Infrastructure Projects
Razak, Habibie. China ASEAN Engineers Forum, Challenge for Indonesia Construction Industry: Enhancing Sustainability of Indonesia’s Infrastructure, organized by CAST/CSE, Beijing, China, 16 October 2024.
Razak, Habibie. IES in Collaboration with AFEO & AER Geotechnical & Fire Engineering Seminar, Opportunity in the Indonesia Construction Industry: Enhancing Sustainability in Indonesia’s Infrastructure Development organized by The Institution of Engineers Singapore, Singapore, 12 July 2024.
Razak, Habibie. IEM 2023 Engineers Symposium & Exhibition, Smart and Sustainable City Engineering Symposium (SSCES), The Vision of Masdar City to Become the World’s First Carbon Neutral City organized by The Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM), Kuala Lumpur, 9 September 2023.
Razak, Habibie. AQSA Congress 2023, Independent Cost Estimate for Gold Mining Project Investment in Indonesia, Approach and Methodology, Sibu Sarawak organized by ASEAN Quantity Surveyor Association, Sibu Sarawak, May 16, 2023.
Razak, Habibie. Investment Project Ready to Offer “Nickel Smelter Plant and Battery Manufacturing Plant Project Opportunity in Southeast Sulawesi, in front of United Arab Emirates Investor in Dubai, December 2020.
Razak, Habibie. White Paper “Coal Gasification; Opportunity to Utilize Indonesian Low Rank Coal to Higher Value Products”, Issued to Board of Mining Experts, PERHAPI, September 2019
Razak, Habibie. Technical Modules produced for Contractor’s Development Program under the Ministry of Public Works. The modules consisted of: Quality Management System (QMS), HSE System and Procurement Management System in Construction Projects, June 2017
Razak, Habibie. “35 GW Program and Integrated LNG/Gas Infrastructure Project in Indonesia”. Malaysia, ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organizations (AFEO) Energy Networking Event held by the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia, September 2016.
Razak, Habibie. “Project Management of 21 LNG Receiving Terminals throughout Archipelago – a Preliminary Execution Plan” Japan, 18th International Summer Symposium held by Japan Society of Civil Engineers, September 2016
Razak, Habibie and Michael Goff. “Waste Not Want Not; Fueling Air Travel in Indonesia.” Jakarta, Indonesia, February 2016
Razak, Habibie. “MSW to Jet Fuel Product; Solution to Utilize Municipal Solid Waste into High Value Product in Indonesia.” Jakarta, Indonesia, July 2015.
Razak, Habibie and Eddy Karmana. “Monetizing Indonesia Lignite.” Jakarta, Indonesia; World Clean Coal Conference, April 2015.
Razak, Habibie. “PRICO Technology Optimizes Project Deliverability Case Study: EXMAR FLSRU Project.” Jakarta, Indonesia; ASEAN EPC Projects Conference, March 2015.
Razak, Habibie and George Gruber. “The Key Factors Considered as Part of Feasibility Study on Development of Coal Gasification to Ammonia and Urea Project.” Yangon, Myanmar; Conference of ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organizations (CAFEO32), November 2014.
Razak, Habibie and Eddy Karmana. “LNG and Electricity Coproduction from Coal.” Jakarta, Indonesia; Second Indonesia LNG Conference – IBC ASIA, October 2014.
Razak, Habibie. “FLNG: Meeting the DOMESTIC Demand in Indonesia’s Archipelago.” Jakarta, Indonesia; Indonesia LNG Summit – INBC China Organizer, April 2014.
Razak, Habibie. “The Application of Coal Gasification Technology & Its Business Opportunity for Indonesian Low Rank Coal Utilization.” Jakarta, Indonesia; Conference of ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organizations (CAFEO31), December 2013.
Razak, Habibie and Javid Talib. “LNG Barge; Solution for Gas Supply to Indonesian Archipelago.” IBC Singapore, Grand Hyatt, Jakarta, Indonesia; Indonesia LNG Conference, October 2013.
Razak, Habibie. “Lessons Learnt of China LNG Projects & LNG Business Model.” Chemical Engineering Chapter, The Institution of Engineers, Indonesia; Lessons Learnt on Gas Utilization, LNG Technology & LNG Project Management, April 2013.
Razak, Habibie. “Managing the Construction of LNG Projects.” Phnom Penh, Cambodia; Conference of ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organizations (CAFEO30), December 2012.
Razak, Habibie. “The Implementation of Project Strategy and Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Concepts in Managing the Construction of Combined-Cycle Power Plant at PT Energy Sengkang.” Brunei Darussalam; Conference of ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organization (CAFEO29), November 2011.
Razak, Habibie and Hajar Aswad. “The Use of Pre-Engineered Building System at Fire Station and Emergency Clinic Project: The Implementation of Value Engineering Concept in Optimizing Project Cost.” Makassar, Indonesia; Makassar International Conference on Civil Engineering (MICCE), March 2010.
Razak, Habibie and Agung Setyawan. “Project Risk Management at Delaney Tires Storage: The Combination between PMI Approach and PT Inco Project Management Procedures.” Bangkok, Thailand; Conference of ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organization (CAFEO26), November 2008.
Razak, Habibie and Ridwan Setiawan. “Managing Environmental Project at PT Inco: Actualization of Professional Ethics as a Professional Engineer of Indonesia (Nursery Project).” QA City, Philippines; Conference of ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organization (CAFEO25), November 2007.

Given status as Engineering Executive (EngExec) from Engineers Australia, June 2023

Given status as Fellow Engineers Australia (FIEAust), June 2023
You may also find Habibie’s biography at https://bit.ly/MKM_Edisi-7_2023

Given status as AFEO (ASEAN) Honorary Fellow at CAFEO-42, Sabah, 2024

Given credential as Engineering Executive by Engineers Australia, June 2023

Registered as Chartered Professional Engineer (Australia) by Engineers Australia, June 2023
Makasih kanda Rusle, iya dipaksa sama si Raja Blogger, Kak Amril, jadinya saya ikutan saja ha ha ha…..salama’ki kanda
Oke kanda Amril, very well noted. Thanks.
Welcome Brother,
Nice experiences, keep sharing. salam dari Kampus merah 😀
My pleasure bro Erwin,
Keep on fighting till the end.
Habibie Razak
Success selali kanda. Semangat merahhitam. Salam zoomzoom
Makasih Dinda Riksal, semangat merah hitam selalu bergema di dalam sanubari, keep on fighting till the end.
Salam zoom zoom, ha ha….
Habibie Razak
Mazda2 Community Makassar, Membership 09
habibie, nice to see your here
Hi Salim,
Are you a blogger? Ha ha nice meeting you here too.
How’s China. I’m in Kansas City till end of September 2013 for some trainings and meeting people.
Laura Francoviglia, process engineer in Wuhai China for couple meetings with client.
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Habibie Razak
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Siap kanda bro Soen….maju terusmi saya ini.
Salam sukses selalu,
Habibie Razak
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much thanks 🙂
Boleh Mbak Rainnisa, email saya di habibie.razak@gmail.com, Whatsapp: +6282187612598 Ditunggu ya. Salam.
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Salam kenal, kami adalah rekanan HAURATON (Jerman) yang pernah Bapak kunjungi di tahun 2017 (tercantum di halaman ini http://habibierazak.com/author/habibierazak/page/20/), apabila memerlukan drainase modular dengan kelas beban sesuai EN1433, kami siap membantu.
Kanda Habibie merupakan salah satu Role Model saya sebagai seorang Professional Engineer, sosok yang sangat humble, cerdas, taktis dan lincah. Seorang professional yang sangat memahami bidangnya. Kanda Habibie merupakan salah satu mentor terbaik saya, tidak hanya di bidang energy saja namun di bidang lainnya.
Makasih dinda andalan. Sukses bersama.