Mewakili Ketum PII pada CITES2022, 09 Agustus 2022

Universitas Andalas Padang menggelar The Conference on Innovation in Technology and Engineering Sciences (CITES) 2022 yang sukses diselenggarakan pagi hingga sore ini secara hybrid. Acara ini menghadirkan keynote speaker nasional maupun internasional antara lain: I Nyoman Radiarta, Ph.D mewakili Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan, Prof. Jafril Tanjung, Prof. Toong Khuan Chan dan Ir. Habibie Razak.

Keynote speaker di sesi pagi membawakan topik terkait kebijakan pemerintah terkait inovasi sains keketnikan dan teknologi di sektor kelautan dan perikanan, structural engineering, construction management dan profesionalisme dalam dunia keinsinyuran. Selain keynote speaker, di sesi siang membawakan topik yang berbeda terkait disiplin, civil, mechanical and electrical engineering, computational electronics and physics. Pembicara yang bukan hanya berasal dari Indonesia tapi juga menghadirkan pembicara dari Australia dan Malaysia.

Ir. Habibie Razak mewakili Ketua Umum Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia memaparkan 4 outlines antara lain: The Spirit of Law No. 11 Year 2014 regarding Engineering Profession, Engineering Profession Transformation after the issuance of Law No. 11/2014, Professional Engineer (PE) Practice in Indonesia and Global Challenges of Professional Engineer (PE).

Dalam paparannya Ir. Habibie menuturkan “we are glad to announce that PII has been recognized by the IEA to be part of the APEC Engineer Membership since early 2000s and IABEE – Indonesian Accreditation Board for Engineering Education under PII has succeeded in becoming a full signatory member of the Washington Accord in 2022. These 2 major milestones would enable us to get recognized internationally and enhance the mobility of PEs to work abroad”

Selain itu, Ir. Habibie juga menyampaikan bahwa harusnya dengan UU 11/2014 memberikan peluang buat para Insinyur Indonesia yang juga merupakan bagian dari Industri (melalui PII) untuk memberikan kontribusi pemikiran dan pengetahuan kepada perguruan tinggi teknik di dalam mensetting the Discipline Criteria in Accreditation, dan Curriculum Development. Harapannya lebih banyak PEs/Industry Representatives involved in Accreditation Processes”

Ir. Habibie dalam kesimpulannya menyampaikan points to take away antata lain: “•After the enactment of Law no. 11/2014, PII has an important task in the professional development and coaching of Indonesian Engineers, and the preparation of superior and highly competitive Engineers to bring progress, prosperity and glory to the Indonesian nation and state. •Engineering Transformation must be able to create a conducive climate for the growth of professionalism, innovation, creativity, and excellence of Engineers, as well as being able to improve the quality of services and deliverables to Engineering users/usefuls. •The global challenges of Engineering (Digitalization, Energy Transition, Provision of Reliable Infrastructure and the Health Industry Revolution) require Indonesian Engineers to focus on upskilling and continuous improvement of competence.The global competitiveness of Indonesian Engineers really needs to be supported by International Certification facilitated by PII through Cooperation with Foreign Parties (G to G MRA or through International Engineering Alliances)”.

Acara konferensi ini dibuka dengan tari Piring merupakan tarian khas Sumatera Barat.

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