Monthly Archives: November 2024

AQSA Conference, Kuching, 19-20 Nov 2024

First day of AQSA Research and Education Conference 2024 held in Kuching, Sarawak.

Glad we meet up our QS fellows within the ASEAN Countries.

Ir. Habibie Razak Executive Director of The Institution of Engineers Indonesia also did contribute to the conference by presenting the slides deck with regard to the ideas and strategies to the enhancement of Indonesia’s sustainability in the Infrastructure Development.

One of the competencies required by Engineers and QSs as presented by Ir. Habibie, how to calculate embodied carbon in this construction industry.

This is definitely needed to be included in the ASEAN Country curriculums, so everyone understands the concept and implementation of this Embodied Carbon Accounting methodology.

This 2-days conference from 19 to 20th of November 2024 attended by at least 650 participants from various countries.

Second day of the AQSA Research and Education Conference which has been held in Kuching, Sarawak.

Executive Director of Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia (Official) Ir. Habibie Razak, FIEAust., EngExec., IntPE(Aus) was part of the panelist session with theme “ASEAN Digital Transformation in QS Profession”.

How the QS profession will add value in the era of Industrial transformation where the sustainability aspect has been taken into account towards net zero in 2050.

Engineers, QS, Architects should start looking on how to calculate carbon footprint for every infrastructure/building they design and build to comply with maximum threshold of KgCO2e per m2 or even for the offshore wind power foundation should meet maximum threshold of tonCO2 per MW capacity.

The panellists were from various countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Philippines and Indonesia.

Capacity Enhancement Training Program, CSE & PII, 14Nov2024

The token of appreciation given by Tsinghua University yesterday to Ir. Habibie Razak, FIEAust., EngExec., IntPE(Aus) Executive Director of Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia (Official) in the official opening of Capacity Enhancement Training Program a result of MOU between Chinese Society of Engineers (CSE) and The Institution of Engineers Indonesia (PII).

The event was held for 2 days and attended by at least 20 Engineers who work in Indonesia (Indonesian and Chinese Engineers).

The participants of this Capacity Enhancement Training Program included the visit to Surbana Jurong Group Jakarta Office to understand on how company like SJ Group operates nowadays as reputable engineering firm in Indonesia and globally.

Huawei hosted the 2 days training event at their Jakarta office.

Ir. Habibie will end his term at the PII Governing Board following the leadership term of current PII President on this coming December 2024.

Seminar Keinsinyuran dan Muscab PII Cabang Dumai, 09 November 2024

Sesi Seminar Internasional dan Muscab PII Kota Dumai berlangsung pagi ini menghadirkan pembicara dari PII Pusat, Direktur Eksekutif Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia Ir Habibie Razak, Ketua FIM PII Wilayah Riau Ir. Ulul Azmi, IPM dan Kaprodi Program Profesi Insinyur, Dr. Ir. Manyuk Fauzi, IPM.

Ketua PII Cabang Dumai, Ir. Rahmat Fauzi, MBA., IPM melaporkan bahwa selama 3 tahun terakhir terjadi peningkatan jumlah Insinyur Profesional/Anggota Biasa PII dari 25 Insinyur menjadi setidaknya 101 Insinyur.

PII Kota Dumai juga banyak menyelenggarakan various technical events melalui seminar dan webinar di periode kepengurusan ini.

Ir. Habibie Razak menyampaikan bahwa sesuai amanah UU 11/2014 bukan hanya Insinyur Indonesia yang menyelenggarakan praktik keinsinyuran wajib memiliki Ijin Praktik Keinsinyuran (STRI) tapi juga berlaku untuk Insinyur Asing yang bekerja dan praktik keinsinyuran di Indonesia.

Hal ini disampaikan di depan 2 foreign engineer yang hadir pada seminar ini. Keduanya adalah Insinyur dari Korea yang bekerja di Indonesia di wilayah operasi Refinery Pertamina di Dumai.

Ir Habibie Razak mengemphasize betapa pentingnya peran Insinyur Indonesia di dalam mensukseskan 3 milestone penting Indonesia yakni making Indonesia 4.0 in 2030, golden Indonesia in 2045 dan NZE in 2060.

Penguatan kompetensi keinsinyuran melalui program keprofesionalan berkelanjutan (PKB) harus terus digiatkan lagi. PII memberikan contoh kegiatan yang baru baru ini dilakukan kerjasama antara Pertagas Rokan, Zekindo dan PII untuk pelaksanaan oilfield chemical training yang terdiri dari sesi training, kunjungan laboratory dan industrial plant visit.

Peserta Seminar Internasional ini dihadiri oleh Insinyur yang bekerja di sektor industri perminyakan dan refinery seperti Pertagas, Kilang Pertamina Internasional, Patra SK (joint venture antara KPI & SK) Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR), ASN yang berlatar belakang Insinyur dan mahasiswa(i) teknik dari beberapa perguruan tinggi.