The token of appreciation given by Tsinghua University yesterday to Ir. Habibie Razak, FIEAust., EngExec., IntPE(Aus) Executive Director of Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia (Official) in the official opening of Capacity Enhancement Training Program a result of MOU between Chinese Society of Engineers (CSE) and The Institution of Engineers Indonesia (PII).

The event was held for 2 days and attended by at least 20 Engineers who work in Indonesia (Indonesian and Chinese Engineers).

The participants of this Capacity Enhancement Training Program included the visit to Surbana Jurong Group Jakarta Office to understand on how company like SJ Group operates nowadays as reputable engineering firm in Indonesia and globally.

Huawei hosted the 2 days training event at their Jakarta office.

Ir. Habibie will end his term at the PII Governing Board following the leadership term of current PII President on this coming December 2024.

Apa makna pemberian token penghargaan oleh Tsinghua University kepada Ir. Habibie Razak, FIEAust., EngExec., IntPE(Aus) pada pembukaan resmi Capacity Enhancement Training Program yang merupakan hasil dari MoU antara Chinese Society of Engineers (CSE) dan The Institution of Engineers Indonesia (PII)?
Regard IT Telkom
Who are the target participants for this training session?