Monthly Archives: September 2017

Technical Visit to MRT Jakarta Construction Site, 28 September 2017

One of the biggest and challenging transportation projects in Indonesia now is the MRT Jakarta construction financed by the Japan Bank for International Cooperation in 2006. The first phase project started to kickoff since 2008 starting from design phase, procurement till construction. The construction progress has now reached 90% completion and expected to commission and operate in 2019. This first phase project is being constructed for approximately 16 kilometers from Lebak Bulus station down to Bundaran Hotel Indonesia which consists of  13 stations with  1 Depot.

Hasanuddin University Alumnus organized the proposal to visit the construction site and approved by the Management of PT MRT Jakarta. The event was conducted on Wednesday morning, 28th of September 2017 attended by 20 alumnus from Hasanuddin University. The event was firstly opened by Ir. William Syahbandar, President Director of PT MRT Jakarta and continued with his presentation on the company overview, vision and mission and its current and future projects. In his speech he expected MRT Jakarta will be the benchmark for other big cities in Indonesia to start developing their transportation system as the first thing to do couple years back by the company was also to benchmark the big cities in the world which were already implementing this MRT system. “We are developing this project based on the latest MRT technology” as Mr. Willy said.

This technical visit led and guided directly by Mr. William Syahbandar and his team. Prior to enter project site the participants were wearing the personnel protective equipment (PPE) consist of safety boots, hard hat dan safety vest. The HSE team of MRT Jakarta briefed the safety induction to all participants for 15 minutes. As the construction progress is already 90 percent completion, the main structure such as diaphragm wall, columns, and beams are already completed. The railway and sleepers are also nearly complete and the remaining works are more on the construction of the architectural buildings inside the station such as office, shops, escalators, and others. Lobby, information desk, automatic ticket dispensing machines, one-way fare-gates and so on will be provided soon as part of the main facilities inside the station.

Questions and answers between participants and MRT Jakarta team were very interactive during the visit and during nearly 2 hours visit the participants should have gained more information on the technical and commercial aspects of this particular project. This visit was dismissed and continued with lunch time session at Plaza Indonesia.




Kuliah Umum Infrastruktur Energi, Fakultas Teknologi Industri UMI, 16 September 2017

Fakultas Teknologi Industri Universitas Muslim Indonesia (FTI UMI) kembali memfasilitasi kuliah umum bertemakan Infrastruktur Energi, Peluang dan Tantangan dihadiri oleh Mahasiswa(i) Jurusan Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia di Auditorium KH Muhammad Ramly FTI UMI bertepatan Hari Sabtu, 16 September 2017. Sesi Kuliah Umum ini dibuka langsung Dekan FTI UMI, Ir. H. Zakir Sabara HW., IPM., MT., ASEAN Engineer.

Dalam sambutannya, Beliau menyampaikan bahwa teknologi ketekniksipilan semakin pesat perkembangannya di dunia. Dunia saat ini membangunnya ke bawah seperti subway MRT and subway station construction, basement and tunneling construction termasuk konstruksi infrastruktur terkait energi seperti LNG Receiving Terminal, Pembangkit Listrik menggunakan energi terbarukan lepas pantai seperti offshore wind power generation dan seterusnya. Melihat pesatnya perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi di luar sana menuntut tenaga pengajar di kampus untuk terus mengupdate ilmu yang dimililikinya bahkan di era serba internet saat ini mahasiswa lebih dituntut untuk belajar di luar sana langsung bersentuhan dengan industri termasuk senior-senior profesional yang bekerja di sektor energi untuk mendapatkan pencerahan keinsinyuran dan teknologi yang paling mutakhir. Sesi kuliah tamu ini tidak lain salah satu cara menghubungkan para mahasiswa dan profesional supaya terjadi interaksi yang lebih dalam lagi tentang kebutuhan dunia kerja kelak setelah mahasiswa(i) menyelesaikan studi di perguruan tinggi.

Habibie Razak, dosen kuliah umum kali ini memaparkan tiga agenda paparan dan diskusi antara lain: gambaran proyek infrastruktur strategis prioritas nasional di Indonesia saat ini, gambaran proyek infrastruktur energi termasuk pembangkit listrik, gas dan LNG dan apa yang harus disiapkan untuk bisa berperan serta di proyek-proyek infrastruktur energi nasional di Indonesia. Habibie dalam paparannya menyampaikan bahwa kita masih kekurangan Insinyur untuk mengeksekusi proyek 35Ribu MW, setidaknya kita  membutuhkan sekitar 50 Ribu Insinyur hanya untuk proyek ketenagalistrikan saja. Diperkirakan untuk menutup kekurangan Insinyur Indonesia setidaknya bakalan 5.900 Insinyur Asing/Professional Engineer mengisi posisi yang tersedia.

Berbicara tentang Strategi Peningkatan Kapasitas Pelaku Jasa Konstruksi Pada Proyek Ketenagalistrikan 35.000 MW setidaknya ada beberapa hal yang menjadi concern utama antara lain: bagaimana meningkatkan kinerja para perusahaan BUJK yang bisa dilakukan sebagai berikut:

  • Peningkatan kapabilitas dan kemampuan finansial
  • Peningkatan kinerja mutu dengan menerapkan sistem manajemen mutu bertaraf internasional
  • Peningkatan kinerja K4 dengan menerapkan sistem manajemen keamanan, keselamatan, kesehatan dan keberlanjutan (SMK4) bertaraf internasional
  • Pengembangan teknologi pembangkit yang diharapkan bisa dibangun anak bangsa.

Sedangkan Program Peningkatan Kompetensi  Tenaga Ahli Konstruksi tidak lain adalah memfasilitasi tenaga ahli :

  • Sertifikasi baru bagi tenaga yang baru akan mendapatkan sertifikasi.
  • Perpanjangan Sertifikat Kompetensi Kerja (SKK) Melalui Pengembangan Keprofesionalan Berkelanjutan (PKB), Peningkatan kualifikasi tenaga ahli dari Tenaga Ahli Muda menjadi Tenaga Ahli Madya dan Peningkatan tenaga Ahli Madya menjadi menjadi Tenaga Ahli Utama

Habibie juga memaparkan bahwa Indonesia sebagai negara yang cukup kaya akan gas alam berusaha mengoptimalkan penggunaannya untuk untuk kebutuhan energi domestik yang ramah lingkungan  dengan membangun infrastruktur LNG/gas dimulai dari LNG liquefaction, LNG transportation baik darat maupun laut, sampai dengan membangun LNG receiving terminal di beberapa wilayah di Indonesia. Sebutlah PLN yang saat ini rencana membangun lebih dari 40 LNG receiving terminal dari Sabang sampai Merauke dan proyek-proyek strategis ini semestinya diisi oleh para Insinyur Indonesia yang berdomisili di Timur Indonesia. Mau tidak mau kita harus siap atau para lulusan Perguruan Tinggi di KTI hanya akan menjadi penonton saja di kampung sendiri.

Sesi tanya jawab pada kuliah umum kali ini berlangsung sangat interaktif dan diisi dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang berbobot dari para mahasiswa(i) yang hadir. Sukses terus proyek infrastruktur energi Indonesia, jayalah Insinyur Indonesia.

The 6th INDONESIA EBTKE ConEx 2017 at Balai Kartini, 13 -15 September 2017

The 6th Indonesia Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) was organized successfully from 13th to 15th of September 2017. The event consist of conference and exhibition for 3 days at Balai Kartini, Jakarta. The event was attended by at least 500 delegates from different companies both local and overseas. The exhibition booths were fulfilled by various reputable corporations such as ENGIE group, PERTAMINA group, and several others. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM ministry) was also participating by organizing their own booth for three days exhibition.

The theme of this event is Renewable Energy is a Solution to Energy Security and Paris Agreement. The conference was opened ceremony by the Ministry of ESDM Mr. Ignasius Jonan after having Mr. Surya Darma the Chairman of Indonesia Renewable Energy Society (METI) delivered the report of organizing committee. In his speech, Jonan said he is indeed very optimistic in the near future the renewable energy investment will be more competitive to decouple the fossil fuel projects. This was proven couple days back he signed the minihydro PPA which is the tariff is 6.7 – 6.8 centUSD/Kwh in Central Java. The other renewable energy such as solar PV and geothermal will catch up soon. He also stated, during his 10 months working at his position, he already signed 723 MW PPA for renewable energy power generations.



Mr. Ignasius also witnessed the signing ceremony of several agreements accompanied by the General Director of ESDM EBTKE Rida Mulyana on renewable energy sectors such as the MOU between Balitbang and The Greatwall Drilling Company of the China National Petroleum Corporation, Cooperation between University of Indonesia, University of Gajah Mada, Bandung Institute of Technology, PLN and Geodipa for Research and Development in Geothermal, Funding Cooperation for the Development of Wilayah Kerja Panas Bumi (Geothermal concession) between PLN and SMI, and the signing ceremony of Renewable Energy Projects with REI.

The first day session after the opening ceremony continued with panel discussion consist of several speakers from several institutions and corporations such as National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) represented by the Minister of BAPPENAS himself, Mr. Bambang Brodjonegoro, the International Finance Corporation (IFC), Danish Ambassador for Indonesia, US Ambassador for Indonesia, Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Supreme Energy and IEA. The first day event also consist of the press conference of METI in front of the exhibition area represented by the Chairman of Organizing Committee Paul Butarbutar. Before leaving this EBTKE ConEx 2017 Mr. Paul also accompanied Mr. Jonan visited several booths including the visit to France Pavilion booth which consisted of French companies such as ENGIE group, Vinci Energies, and others.

In his speech, Mr. Bambang the Minister of BAPPENAS suggested there are at least points should be considered by the energy player in order to be successful in Indonesia (1) The developer should bring the low interest financing in order to meet the economic feasibility of the project (2) The involvement of existing big energy companies such including SOEs and private companies (MEDCO, Adaro, etc.) (3) The new player in this business should partner with big players so there will be learning process as well as the reduction of investment risks. The financing and equity capabilities of new players can be then tackled by the big ones.

Tractebel Engineering Indonesia (TEI), a group of ENGIE was taking part to the event by sending their three delegates, Mr. Nicolas Vaudremont (CEO, Product Director Renewable), Mr. Julien Blommaerts (Product Director T & D, VP Business Development) and Mr. Habibie Razak (Product Director Gas & LNG, Business Development and Sales Manager). Mr. Pupu Rahmat the Marketing Specialist of TEI was also available at the exhibition area had been very active in communicating and interacting with the conference delegates and visitors who visited the booth area.

The EBTKE ConEX was in Conjunction with Bali Clean Energy Forum (BCEF) 2017 has been very successful therefore we thank to the Host METI – The Indonesia Renewable Energy Society, The Endorser the Ministry of ESDM Indonesia and the Main Sponsor Pembangunan Perumahan.

Vivat Indonesia Renewable Energy Investments….Hoping the target of 23% Renewable Energy Power Generations in 2025 can be achieved. This will prove the commitment of Indonesian government to Paris Agreement.